When we begin a new project, generally we have to remove the old in order to start laying the new foundation for the work to be performed. As with any construction, whether you are building a house or otherwise there is a preferred order of operations. The correct order helps save costs and organize the work in a manner that makes sense. However, with landscaping this is often not practical. You wouldn’t build a home without plumbing. But often, costs are saved with the initial landscaping and improvements are made later down the road. For example, oftentimes a sprinkler system is not installed prior to establishing grass.

Whether you are looking to add sprinklers or make another improvement to the property you can expect some damage to occur to the existing landscape. Typically we bring in heavy equipment to effectively and efficiently move materials on site. Each project is unique and we carefully weigh the pros and cons of on site logistics. Sometimes we will bring a 25,000 lbs truck for soil or stone deliveries. Other times we may use a wheelbarrow depending on the particular site access and quantity of material required. Additionally there are a variety of options in between. In many instances we recommend the use of ground protection mats to reduce the damage and impact on the existing landscape.

Heavy traffic can easily form ruts in your lawn despite the use of tracked equipment. Ground mats are a very useful tool that assist not only in preventing ruts from being formed but also help preserve your lawn. They allow us to work in wetter conditions than we would be able to otherwise. This allows us to work more days and get the job done faster. This use and implementation are key to achieving one of our core company values of providing a clean and quality landscape experience. We want each project to look as if we were never there when we leave. This leave no trace objective is part of our thought process throughout the entirety of the project. We know we have a job to get done but we also recognize that it is equally important to many of our customers that we don’t ruin another portion of their yard as we make improvements to another.

At Jasper Ridge our motto is “Professional Landscape Services” and the use of ground protection mats is one of the many things we implement to provide a better experience. We are grateful to all our customers that put their trust in us to get the job done right and leave their property looking at it’s best!
Jasper Ridge landscaping provides “Professional Landscape Services” to the Joplin and surrounding areas; including Carl Junction and Webb City. Our service area is contained within Jasper and Newton Counties in Missouri (MO). For more information about Jasper Ridge LLC please contact us using the contact form.